Privacy Policy & Terms
Our family of companies includes IWA Wine Accessories, Epic Products, Le Cache Wine Cabinets, CellarPro Cooling Systems and WineKeeper, all of which are focused on wine-related products and accessories. When you opt in at one of our companies, you may receive communications from our related companies based on your preferences, interests and behavior. Our companies are committed to respecting your privacy, and you may “Opt Out” at any time from our communications, as described in our Privacy Policy.
Our Commitment to Privacy
Your privacy and the protection of your personal and financial information is important to us. We use the information that we collect on our site to provide you with superior shopping and customer service. If you place an order with us, your information will be processed in an accurate, secure and timely manner.
When you place an order with us, we ask you to provide both personal and financial information. We use the personal information to ship your order to you, contact you about any issue involving your order, and occasionally send you information about our company and our products. We use the financial information exclusively for completing your transaction.
The personally identifiable information that you provide to us and information about your order may be combined with other personally identifiable information (such as demographic information and past purchase history) available from our records and other sources. This information will be used to make our future marketing efforts more efficient. This information may also be shared with our third party service providers that assist us with our marketing efforts and with other marketers whose products or services we feel may be of interest to you. All information that we collect is on an 'opt-in' basis and users may 'opt-out' at any time for any reason. To 'opt-out', please email us at or use this form.
We use the financial information solely to bill you for merchandise purchased on our site. We will never disclose your financial information to third parties, except where required by law or in order to provide you with a requested service.
From time to time, we may send out emails on behalf of reputable organizations whose products or services are complementary to what we offer. We will never sell or share your email address with any third-party.
When you visit our web sites, we send one or more "cookies" to your computer or other device. We may also use cookies in emails that you receive from us. A "cookie" is a small data file that is placed on the hard drive of your computer. A "session cookie" expires immediately when you end your session (i.e. close your browser). A "persistent cookie" stores information on the hard drive so when you end your session and return to the same web site at a later date the cookie information is still available. Generally, we use cookies to improve the quality of our service when you visit our web sites, tailor our products to suit your browsing history, process your order, track promotion statuses, and/or analyze your visiting patterns.
Opt Out
Click here to opt out of receiving emails from our companies.
Our Commitment to Data Security
All of your private financial information is secured using 128-bit encryption, which safely encrypts the data before it is sent to us. To prevent unauthorized access and maintain data accuracy, we have procedures to safeguard and secure the information that we collect online.
Copyright Notice
All of the content on our websites and in our brochures and catalogs are subject to trademark, service mark, trade dress, copyright and/or other intellectual property rights or licenses held by Epic Products or one of its affiliates. The content on our websites and in our brochures and catalogs are intended solely for personal, noncommercial use by the users of our site. You may download, copy, print and store selected portions of our content provided you 1. use these copies of the content for your own personal, non-commercial use, 2. do not copy or post the content on any network computer or broadcast the content in any media, and 3. do not modify or alter the content in any way, or delete or change any copyright or trademark notice. No right, title or interest in any downloaded or copied materials is transferred to you as a result of any such downloading or copying. Epic Products reserves complete title and full intellectual property rights in any content you download from our websites or copy from our brochures.
Accuracy of Information
From time to time there may be information on our websites or in our brochures that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice.
Accuracy of Colors
We have endeavored to photograph and display the colors of our products as accurately as possible. However, the products that we offer may have variations in color and shade, and we cannot guarantee that the images shown on our websites or in our brochures will match your item.
This site and all contents of this site are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. You acknowledge, by your use of this site, that your use of this site is at your sole risk, that you assume full responsibility for all costs associated with all necessary servicing or repairs of any equipment you use in connection with your use of our site, and that Epic Products shall not be liable for any damages of any kind related to your use of this site.
How to Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies, please call us toll-free at 1.800.548.9791 or click here to contact us via email.